Hello August.

Ok, so Ric and I vowed to take July to really catch up, catch our collective breath and just re-energize. I think it worked! We trekked down to FL to visit both sets of parents, watched a lot of Finding Nemo and Scooby Doo in the car, and enjoyed seeing our munchkins have a ball with their grandparents. We stopped at a Dairy Queen each car trip along the way (yes, my husband is addicted to ice cream) and just had a nice getaway. One highlight for me was seeing my kids pose in the old TR-3 that I used to ride in as a kid. That was pretty amazing. (and made me feel so old…)
Now back to reality. (whatever that means) Ric started his time back at an AMAZING 3-1/2 day Photography Seminar with two of the most amazing folks in the business. Bambi Cantrell and Jerry Ghionis taught this seminar and Ric came back pumped and excited with some great new ideas and perspective. Really an amazing experience for him, and to be in the presence of two of the best, was simply inspiring for him. (I was not so inspired for the last 3-1/2 days playing single Mom to my darling children…)

This weekend, another event at the fabulous Aquarium… we’re working with our friends Sharon and Lauren from It’s My Party again…and as always, we’re looking forward to it!

~ by bmersh on August 1, 2006.

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